Take Your Garden Design Business to the Next Level
with tailored Business Mentoring

Hi, I’m Simon, here to help you go from Artisan/Creative To A Thriving Business in the Garden & Landscape Design Industry.

Simon K Hero Shot

100% Personalised

A Success Strategy Just For You


Flexible (Start /Stop Any Time)

Affordable Cost

Pay As Yo Go / Pay Per Session

The Challenge

When you start a business driven by passion, you often don’t go into it with a business mindset.

It’s only when you start thinking about turning your passion into a career or business that you find yourself having to deal with all this non-creative businessy things.

Finding Client & Market Positioning

Branding and Online Marketing

Business Mindset and Planning

Scaling and Growth

Operations and Efficiency

Financial Management

Legal and Compliance

Personal Challenges

With a knack for turning passions into profitable ventures, I’m your go-to guy for blending the art of garden design with savvy business strategies.

The transition? I’ve made it and have been in your shoes.

Mistakes? I’ve made them so you don’t have to.

Let’s take this journey together.

My Story

"With a background in architectural design and over 19 years in sales, marketing, tech, partnering and business development, Simon blends his business expertise with a passion for Garden Design."

Simon in multiple roles

Hey there! I’m Simon, your go-to guide for turning Garden Design from a hobby into a thriving business.

I know you’re brimming with creative ideas, but maybe business isn’t your second nature – I get it.

That’s where I step in. With my own story of twists and turns from architecture to Garden Design and two decades in the business world, I’m all set to help you navigate this exciting path.

My Unconventional Journey

I’m not your average mentor. I’ve been where you are – a creative first, a businessperson second. And I made it work beautifully. From architecture to IT, and then to the world of garden design. We all have an origin story, and that’s mine. And I’m proud of it.

Experience and Expertise

Combining my flair for garden design with my knack for business, I’ve navigated both worlds.. I’ve stumbled, learned, and now I’m set to pass on these hard-earned lessons to you.

Personal Philosophy

I believe in the art of garden & landscape design as much as I believe in the science of business.  My aim? To mesh these worlds seamlessly for you.

I Am In The Trenches

I run an active & thriving Garden Design Studio and thus have a real pulse on the market. However, my quick rise to success has been due to my approach to growth and client acquisition which is different from what is standard on the market

My Studio

I have included a few of my favorite projects here

Mentoring Programme

This isn't just another program; it's a personalised journey. Where we delve into the nuts and bolts of building a profitable Garden Design business, with a sprinkle of my own experiences and lots of practical wisdom.

what to expect

What To Expect

Expect to transform, not just transact. You’ll find your business groove, learn to attract clients who value your art, and build a business that’s both financially and creatively rewarding.
programme format

Programme Format

 We’ll talk, we’ll strategise, and we’ll implement. From one-on-one chats to group workshops and digital resources – it’s hands-on, it’s real, and it’s all about getting results.

My approach

Approach & Methodology

My approach? Real talk, real action. We’ll tackle your challenges head-on with strategies that are as practical as they are transformative.

one on one calls

One on One Calls

You will be able to book yourself in for a one-on-one call. Whenever you need me, I’m here to help. There is no such thing as a small question; you can ask about a difficult client, setting up a website, or closing a client. P.S. And guess what? Your first call is completely free 🙂

digital workshops

Group Workshops

Throughout the year, I will host numerous group calls. You can participate in our group sessions online or in person. In the event that you miss a running time, you can always watch the replays. They are set to be educational yet practical as well,

peer meetups

Peer Mastermind

Running your own business, especially in the Garden Design Sector, can be lonely if you haven’t already noticed. Our monthly meetings are dedicated to discussing our individual journeys, challenges, successes, and anything else on your mind in regard to your business.

Some of The Practical Workshops in The Mentoring Portal

Knowing you would be coming, I have already prepared a portal containing several sessions that will help you navigate the transition with ease. 

They each address various topics that are essential for business growth in the Garden Design industry.

The Benefits

Imagine having more clients that you love, a business that truly reflects your passion, and financial success that feels just right. Think practical strategies, real-world insights, and a community of like-minded creatives, all wrapped up in a year-long journey of growth.


Personalised Guidance:

Receive tailored advice and mentoring that addresses your specific challenges and goals in garden design and business.


Business Strategy Development

Learn how to develop and implement effective business strategies, from marketing and client acquisition to pricing and sales.


Digital Marketing Strategy

Get help developing an effective digital marketing strategy. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to your style, your abilities, and your free time.


Portfolio Development

Get help in building a diverse and impressive portfolio that showcases your best work and attracts potential clients.


Expert Insights

Gain valuable insights based on real-world experience in garden design and business, providing you with practical knowledge.


Confidence Building

Grow in confidence as you gain new skills, knowledge, and insights, empowering you to take bold steps in your garden design career.


Ongoing Support

Benefit from ongoing support throughout the program, providing you with a safety net as you implement new strategies and techniques.


Improved Client Relations

Learn effective techniques for client management, communication, and how to build lasting relationships.

Join Other Engaged Mentees

"Transformative Experience"

I knew I needed to up my digital marketing game as a startup in the Garden Design space, but I wasn't sure where to begin. Simon's workshop was a game-changer. The hands-on approach, combined with real-world examples, gave me the confidence and skills I needed.

Garden Design Studio Owner

"Empowering and Supportive"

The mentorship program with Simon has been a transformative journey. His guidance helped me uncover the true potential of eco-friendly garden design. My growth has been accelerated by his continuous support and practical advice on client acquisition and how to make tedious business stuff fun."

Eco-friendly Garden Designer

"Invaluable Insights and Practical Strategies"

I attended Simon’s digital marketing workshop hoping to gain a basic understanding but left with so much more. The depth of knowledge shared, especially in social media strategy and SEO, was invaluable. I've already seen a significant uptick in website traffic and customer engagement.

Freelance Landscape Designer

Answers to your 'commonly asked' questions

For additional questions, please use the contact details on our contact us page.

This is a crucial question, and you are right to ask it. There is no one-size-fits-all mentoring style. I will be happy to answer any questions and address any doubts you may have during a free virtual coffee call with me. You can then decide based on the information you gained from the call.

It’s important to me that you get the most out of what is offered. In the event that I feel you will not benefit from what is offered, I will be open and honest about it.

In my view, it’s a unique combination of my background and my approach to operating in this industry. As an unconventional entry into the garden design business, I bring a progressive perspective. As an experienced mentor to businesses in the tech startup space, I’ve developed a unique mentoring style designed to drive results.

While the only prerequisite is a passion for the industry and an ambition to go professional, I believe those who get the most out of the program have already started designing in some capacity. Whether it is a design school project, a design for your own space, a design for the family’s home, a volunteer project, or actual client work. My advice and direction would be more rewarding if you had that under your belt.

Absolutely! I’m always here to help. Simply find a slot on my calender and book yourself in.

All the common topics can be found above. It’s worth sharing that 80% of the mentoring is focused on business and growth, while 20% is focused on technical skills and garden design.

There is no set start or end time. However, those who benefit most from the mentoring invest six(6) to twelve(12) months in the program. Jumping from one aspect to another and implementing it (alongside accountability calls). There are some who attend workshops or simply access the startup resources in the portal to gain value.

Peer Meetings – Peer meetings have an annual registration fee of £25, after which every meeting is free.  Just show up and engage.

Pre-recorded Sessions & Workshops – Pre-recorded sessions and individual workshops cost between £75 and £125.

Structured Mentoring – If joining the mentoring programme, the pricing is customised. There are options for long-term mentees to pay monthly.

Adhock Mentoring – Utilises the pay-as-you-go model, allowing you to help whenever you need it.

Upon completion of the structured program, you will be able to engage at the peer level or use the pay as you go model to get help whenever you need it.

Yes, you can request a refund at any time. Each service you engage with comes with its own refund policy which is shared at the time of booking or signing up.

You can book a free strategy call to get started. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Upon completion of any workshop or structured program, you will receive a certificate of participation.

Upon completion of any workshop or structured program, you have unlimited access to all the course material you would have used or seen during your period of engagement.

The pre-recorded sessions and peer meetings or mentoring sessions can only be accessed via digital devices (phone, tablet, laptop). The majority of the programs can be accessed remotely, so you can take part from anywhere in the world.

Structure mentoring is an individual journey that can begin at any time (no cohort is required).

The number of participants for workshops will depend on how many register.

Keen To Learn more?

Book Your Strategy Call below


Our remote garden design service offers designs that are for illustrative purposes only. These designs are meant to help you visualise your garden project based solely on the information you provide us, such as measurements, sunlight analysis, levels, and soil type. However, please note that we make no guarantees that the design will be suitable for your needs or preferences.

Once you receive your designs, you assume full responsibility for your actions and the outcomes you may experience if you choose to implement them. We will not be held liable to you or any third party for any liability, loss, damage, or alleged issue that may arise directly or indirectly as a result of your use, application, or interpretation of the information provided in the illustration we provide.

By purchasing this service or any of our materials, you understand and accept that you are fully responsible for the consequences of your decisions, actions, finances, health, and results in life.

The terms and conditions relating to this service and our company can be found on our Terms Of Service Page. By using this service, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

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